
Visiting Thailand for a Week

Few people have an endless amount of time to spend on vacation. Often, their travel is limited to about a week per year. For those that want to discover all the many beautiful sights of Thailand, a week is not nearly long enough. If a week is all that is available, it is best to choose only one area of the country and concentrate on it. This allows a visitor to truly discover the country while retaining a reason to continue to return for many years in the future.

Bangkok is the capital city of Thailand and a week there will only scratch the surface of this complex metropolis. It consists of the new section that is ultra-modern and controls the country’s economic and business development. Older sections of the city contain the historical districts where ancient Thailand can be seen in frequent glimpses. Handmade goods are sold in the market stalls as well as the silks for which Thailand is again famous.

Many of the southern sections of Thailand boast beautiful ocean views and tropical jungle areas. In this country of contrasts, modern resorts populate the beach areas while elephant treks through the jungle are still popular. Discovering the many natural beauties of southern Thailand may take several trips for those interested in more than just a sightseeing tour of the more famous temples and ruins. Even an energetic tourist seeking sports will be hard-pressed to sample all southern Thailand has to offer.

The northern areas of Thailand are a special place for visitors. Many of the larger cities offer modern amenities for lodging and dining. They are also home to some of the more famous ancient ruins the country has to offer. Thailand is a land with a long and interesting history. It should definitely be a place to keep visiting for those seeking new adventures both ancient and modern.